YSunday, February 27, 2005
本报讯(记者 牛科 张晓禾 实习生 舒媛)为庆祝重庆巴南撤县建区10周年而举行的大型演唱会昨晚在巴南区体育场火爆上演。这个由多位超人气巨星支撑起来的演唱会堪称豪华阵容,带给了在场的数万歌迷一个过瘾的激情夜,也给尚是寒气袭人的巴渝大地点燃了一把火。
当晚最卖力的一位大腕要算是潘玮柏了。据记者所知,本来就有腿伤在身的潘玮柏昨天由于奔波而染上了感冒,但为了不让重庆歌迷失望,他还是硬挺着把3首劲爆的歌曲唱完了,尽管舞蹈动作幅度不是很大,唱歌时的嗓音也有些低沉,但看得出潘玮柏还是十分卖力地在表演,先是《WUHA》接着又是《壁虎漫步》,在引爆了演唱会第一个高潮之后,他已是满头大汗了。 专访 潘玮柏大方祝福“周侯恋” 新晋歌手潘玮柏是很多少男少女心目中的偶像,不仅歌声了得,艺德也不错。昨日潘玮柏是顶着40度的高烧来渝演出。在后台,记者在歌迷尖叫声中迎来了潘玮柏。穿着白色休闲服的潘玮柏比荧屏上略显矮小。看见疯狂的歌迷,潘玮柏仍旧抱病坚持向歌迷问好,但是越来越多的歌迷涌向潘玮柏索取签名,潘玮柏不得不在保镖护送下回到休息的房车上。 在房车上潘玮柏接受了记者简短的专访。潘玮柏说,最近温差比较大,不幸得了重感冒,声音略显沙哑,可能影响到刚才现场演唱的效果。一边和记者聊天,潘玮柏一边擤鼻涕,一边用纸巾擦眼泪,最后还不断给记者道歉,“对不起,感冒了不好意思。”憨憨的表情非常可爱。
最近“周侯恋”成为台湾演艺圈最火热的话题,曾经在上侯佩岑节目时明确表达对其有好感的潘玮柏,是否因周杰伦“护花”成功而有所失落呢?对此潘玮柏倒是表现大度,他说,“这两位都很优秀呀,一个是名主播,另一个是音乐才子,我衷心祝福他们的感情能坚定地走下去。” 明星饭局消费独家揭秘 昨日记者接到读者线报,下榻于重庆某五星级酒店的四位大腕虽然住的是每间900元的普通套房,但是饭局消费却令人咋舌。该线人告诉记者,黎明不愧是天王级人物,昨晚的晚餐消费也是最奢侈,高达1600元。黎天王先去咖啡厅喝咖啡消费了330元,然后又让人送餐到宾馆内花费300余元,最后还不满足的黎天王又去宾馆中餐厅吃了1000元左右的粤菜补充“能量”。 香港影后张柏芝向来喜欢重庆美食,昨日也在该酒店享用了855元的重庆江湖菜及印尼炒饭。得了重感冒的潘玮柏食欲不减,以消费780元排在第三位。据悉,潘玮柏吃了比萨和一些蔬菜还有福建炒饭。
haix..he is sick again..mux take good care of himself ma..got 4o degrees de fever lehx...so yan zhong still wanna perform...box si ta ahx...hope he will get well as soon as possible bahx.. faster recover horx..LoVe YoU LoTs..Missin' You
todae went Jurong to swim sia..quite fun lahx..heheee den after swimmin me n Yan Ling went to Orchard den Ee Jia went home cuz she too tired liao...went swimmin wit us after her camp sia..so sweet..hmMm while walking to Heeren saw the stupid Darren..dao lohx him..stupid guy... den we went to take pix and do homework..while doing homework i made spoil my correction tape..become more n more violent liao..lolx den went to Kino to buy the correction tape..den the stupid Yan Ling ah made me wanna buy more pens sia...stupid ger..box si ni ahx..lolx next time dun go Kino wit u liaox..later used up all my money... den went to check if got the COOLPLAY book...haix sad to said dat it is still nt out yet...sian lehx...so slow one SG...lousy ahx..faster release the book lahx..cant wait lerx...
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YFriday, February 25, 2005
dat's miie...
finally a day for me to rest aHhhx...but tml going swimming wit Yan Ling and Ee Jia..going Jurong i tink..no more delta manx..yucks later spoil my dae after going dere...hmMm todae stayed in school until 5 lehx..so late jux becuz of the POA file..jux wanna finished all the corrections and get done wit it...Miss You's eyes so big when we went to gib her the POA files...haix good luck to those haben hand in files bahx..she said it herself too..so guys,hand in ur POA file asap horx..later get form A , B or mayb C liaox ahx...hmMm wanna thx Ee Lin and Jason sia..whahaha Ee Linz for pei-ing wo until 5 to pack the file and Jason for helping me wit the retest corrections...haix today the geo n chinese test ahx...mayb can fail ahx..the Yong Liang so li hai sia...he jux took out the Chi Yu Shou Che and flipped flipped flipped..and he oso took out the paper to copy the letter tink...Cheatin in the CA and din get caught...pro man...i tink "she " oso got cheated in the test lohx..but i jux shut up lahx..cuz "she" is always like datz de lohx...haix My geo test is going to get Zero de...
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YThursday, February 24, 2005
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YWednesday, February 23, 2005
hab to see her stupid face for 1 and a half hr tml..sian lehx..see her 4 days a week ..find it damn sick manz...if she is prettyyy i dun mind lohx..but she hab dat kinda helment hair and wear out-dated clothes..haix i dun tink i can pass for my english lerx lahx..imagine havin Ron failing his english paper ? how can dat be ? if he cant even pass..den wad abt me ? foreva f9 ? so freaky manx...todae her lessons is damn boring..going thru the test corrections and did sum group work..hopefully tml her lessons will pass by quickly...tml got POA test lehx..i dun even hab the paper to revise lohx..sian tis time round sure fail ler lahx...file is in sch lazy to bring home..so big..troublesome lehx..my file already pack until nice nice liaox den wan me to take out my stuffs ..dunwan lahx...waste my effort sia..went to woodlands to buy MLXS...cool found it lerx..thx for the help of Michelle...thanks lots..without ur help i wun be able to find it de lohx...den after dat went to eat Thai Express....me n Liling eat until very full sia..everything costs $31.9o ...kinda expensive...but the food is nice and the thai iced tea is nice..tml may be going to Orchard to collect my laogong's foto..wahaha hao xin fen..tot of meetin Michelle on fridae but i dun tink can make it cuz got chinese test after sch..so i went to buy todae..wahaha
well went to dat "person" blog..see liao oso pissed off...eh u tink everyone copied ur template mehx...so wad even if they did...cant u just feel happy dat ur blog is so nice until ppl oso wanna get it ? see ur attitude ahx i oso wanna smack u ahz..is nt as if u're the oni one knoe how to make the template...bitchy bitch...u tink u big size i scared u mehx... =p Qi si ren ahx..
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一 老大他十分孝顺他爸爸妈妈,那你一定也要好好对待他的爸爸妈妈把他们当成你的亲生父母,要克劲孝道。
二 老大是个不会收拾家里的人,他很随性,一定会把家里弄的很乱的,那未来的柏嫂你一定要好好为人妻,不准骂他,不准逼他收拾屋子
三 玮柏是艺人,在这个圈子里总会有搞不清楚的绯闻,当你得知他和其他的女艺人传绯闻的时候一定要相信他,听他解释,不能朝他发脾气,一定要体谅他。
四 在玮柏工作不顺利或者心情低落的时候一定要让他发泄,听他发牢骚,并且要给予最大的支持和鼓励。
五 你一定要学会做很多很多的菜哦,而且要每天换菜色,因为我们的玮柏特别喜欢吃,绝对不能什么让他每天营养不良。
六 他很喜欢收集球鞋,特别是白球鞋,你一定要每天帮他清洗哦,就算你觉得他新买的球鞋很难看,也不能明说,不要打击他。
七 玮柏很喜欢篮球和电动,他把那个当他生命一样,你绝对不能和篮球吃醋和他吵架,要陪他一起去打篮球而且要称赞他打的很棒。
八 玮柏是个很节俭的人,你不能乱花他的钱也要向他学习。
九 如果没事就不要穿的很露,老大不喜欢的啊
十 你一定要很爱他很爱他,绝对不能让“我让你走了”这种事情发生,你要用你的整个生命去珍惜他,绝对不能让他受伤,否则他会崩溃的。
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YTuesday, February 22, 2005
news about Jay and Patty being together...haix so sad...why muz they be together lehx ? Wilber sure sad de lohx...well who knows , Wilber may said he admire her mayb he likes her lehx....Wilber hao ke lian ...after coming back from USA , i tink the reporters will pester him like hell man...askin him about how he feel ...haix hope he will ignore all tis stupid news bahz...what so good bout Jay besides all the songs tink..does he hab the look ? Well mayb gettin from bad to good ? at certain angle he look nice bahx..but Wilber is ALWAYS so handsome de lohx...will always support him de...hmMm went to Wei Er Bang to see see...den saw the conditions of being Wilber's wife..hehee wanted to post but duno y when i wanna post tinks in chinese characters de shi hou..u guys will get to see all kinds of chinese characters but the contents are wrong...Qi Guai..try to tink of a way to post up bahx...aniwae I FOUND THE MA LA XIAN SHI ALBUM..wahaha is like i hab been passin the shops for 3+ yrs yet i din went into the shop to ask abt it...but i'll still be going down to Woodlands to buy the album cuz Liling wants it oso...sian... hab to travel back n forth for 2 hrs...suan lerx wei le wei bo wo shen mo dou yuan yi..wahaha den will be gettin my laogong's[Wei bo...wahahhaa] pix soon too...hao ba den i shall ask the boss to help me to find the VCD instead of the CD...welll the songs inside the CD quite nice lohx...specially the "Wen Rou Nu Hai" by Wei Bo , "5000 fen zhong" by WeiBo A-wei and one more guy , and "I Do" by Wilber and Du Shi Mei..the lyrics is very nice..do d/l the songs and listen...
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YSunday, February 20, 2005
瑋柏現在真的紅了,人紅了,是非也多了,越來越多人關注他了,可是面對贊賞他會笑一笑,依舊謙虛對待,面對批評,也只是一笑置之,從來不會給誰壓力,脾氣永遠這麽好,經過腳傷和一些是非後,瑋柏仍舊笑的這麽真這麽甜這麽純。 他現在真的很紅了,面對媒體,面對觀衆,面對所有人他還是笑容依舊,沒有任何架子,還是親切的讓人很好接近。他總是這麽風趣,很適當的風趣,有時候也會孩子氣的跟你撒嬌,你怎麽能不愛這個這麽可愛這麽純,這麽真的男孩子呢?你不覺得他很可愛嘛??他敢于面對直視自己的缺點,和別人的指正,不驕傲,永遠這麽努力上進,你不覺得他很可愛嘛??
瑋柏很可愛,他不隻長得娃娃相,而且人好,脾氣好,笑容可愛,永遠這麽純真無害,這麽快樂。他的快樂會感染別人,他的祝福跟會帶給大家無比的快樂。 你不覺得他很可愛嘛?他真的很可愛。你不覺得他像天使嘛?是啊~他是天使,他真的好像天使。他總是這麽與世無爭,甚至連惹他生氣都很難,非常有挑戰哦,不過,不要想惹他難過,因爲天使總有一堆守護他的精靈守護著他的。精靈們這麽愛這個可愛的快樂天使,他這麽可愛,這麽好,所以精靈們發誓一定要守護天使,不能讓他受到任何傷害。沒錯,瑋柏真的很可愛,可愛到你看到他有一點點傷心都會痛心不已,他這麽與世無爭,這麽上進,這麽好,你捨得傷害他嘛?? 你對瑋柏了解越多,越能發現他的好,就越想做他的朋友,難怪他的朋友都很照顧他,像黑人和Jason,因爲瑋柏真的很好,也希望對他傷害越來越少,因爲瑋柏真的人很好,看他難過會讓我們大家都很痛心。瑋柏,祝你永遠不要悲傷,笑容永遠在你的臉上,快樂幸福就好!記得你身邊總會有愛你的一堆精靈守護著你,因爲你是天使,面對有些困難,記得要堅強的面對,不斷努力的往上飛,總有一天會到達自己理想的天堂噢!
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YSaturday, February 19, 2005
today got Flag Day ...firx time wor..but very sian cuz so mani schools' ppl doin it den my tin became bery light...i even walked until my leg de toe kana blister lohx..pain lehx..den me, Linda , Micheline and Wan Yee walked tog. ma..den we went to eat n drink..hehee after dat we needa go back to outram mrt to return the tin ...i tot i saw no outramians suddenly i saw Darren's head cuz today his hair very "high"..lolx den we gathered ard dere to tok..after dat i went to study a bit of a.maths wit Ee Linz , Ee Jia and Yan Yu...ehz i got study de horx..bu yao bu xiang xing wo...den ard 5 we went to PS cuz i wanna the Jesse McCartney's album...but in the end i din buy cuz too expensive lerx..den jux now i oso tot of buying the Biotherm facial wash de which cost 32 bucks...in the end i din buy cuz Yan Yu said mayb the facial wash is nt effective de..so i din buy lohx..wanted to buy the mini mini one to try de but dunhab lehx...so sad..den after datz went to take pict. ...hahaa we din knoe how to use the machine sia den the pict. we took looks so funnie...ku ku lehx...after dat we went hm lohx cuz too tired and late lerx..
den on Thursday not veyr happy but quite happy lehx...cuz i bought 2 of Wilber's cute cute and shuai shuai de pict. , one of his posters , his idol lovin book[cuz got special offer] den still got his 21 MVs de DVD...ehehe but i cant find the Ma La Xian Shi de CD...sad lehx..den Michelle said she will look out for me if she got go causeway point....if she got the money mayb she will grab it for me firx...so sweet of her..lolx... den i oso went to Huz of Starz to ask abt it..den the boss said dunhab...den he helped me to find the CD in Taiwan ...whahaha like big shot sia..but it might take up to 3 mths..it may be long but nvm lahx is worth it..hehee hopefully they are ablt to find it for me..whahaa
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YMonday, February 14, 2005
HaPpY VaLeNtInE DaY...hEheE received gifts from 3 pplz...thx guys lehx ermx Yan Ling oso dedicate songs to me..so sweett thx lehx mux be very ex de hor ? eHx den todae got 3 tests..sobsob chinese test mayb can jux pass bahx... a.math test sure fail de lahx...all my answers odd odd de lohx...english CA dunhab to say de lahx sure fail de...mayb can get one mark bahz...den after the CA is already 3.15 but we still hab to stay back for POA..tml got e.math test...hab to finish all POA corrections of errors de corrections...so ke lian...duno got time to finish anot..later mux faster do ahx...Valentine Day thought of going out to buy Wei Bo de dong xi...but end up going home after sch cuz too late lerx..sad..i scared his CD/DVD will be out of stock...hao pai ye...hope i can get it by tml bahx...
My Thoughts on You
the attitude dat u gave me was really suckin...dun u tink datx tis days ur attitude realli sucks...can u change for the betta one for once...and u likes to booast ard with tinks dat u're proud of...saying tinks like urs are much more betta den mine..hey come on are u tryin to console urself or wadeva so , dat's y u said ur tinks are betta den mine..well if u realli like ur tinks dat much can u jux said u like it and shut up after it , and stop booastin it ard..is realli irritatin...the attitude u gave me realli sucks...waited for u and u treat it like nth had happened...dun even care a single tink abt it...if i dun hab my -fren- by myself ..i wuld be alone again...this made me not wantin to wait for u animore...u accused me for doin tinks dat i din...dun u knoe dat i hated been accused...i would hab scolded u rite on the spot but i kept my mouth shut..cuz i din wan to kick a fuss over it...well u may tink dat sumtimes my attitude sucks but i wanna tell u dat i tink my attitude is much more betta den urs...ur attitude realli sucks...betta tink abt it...
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YSunday, February 13, 2005
haix..michelle found the -Ma La Xian Shi- de yuan sheng dai...how i wish i can find it too..if i knew it i wuld nt go to sch on fridae den i go out n find the CD lerx..haix sad sad sad..hMmm mayb tml after the CA i go out n find the disc bahxz...wonderin if i shuld call HMV to ask them abt it..but the chances of them having the CD is very slim..shuld i call or shuld i not ? wo bu zhi dao...wo de xin hao confused...den jux now went to d/l Wilber's advertisement to watch..hehee i like the Mogao Advertisement...is so cute..ah bo so cute...den the G&M one quite okie lohx..nt much comments...i like the Pi Pai Gao dat advertisement...he very cute..the part where he gave his aunt the drink dat time he said "Ah Yi Pi Pai Gao Jiang He Ka Shu Fu O" hehee the way he talked...very cute lahx..i oso feel like drinkin the Pi Pai Gao dat he had prepared...seems to nice..Pi Pai Gao with water , ice and lemon or lime..not sure..but it seems so nice to me..hehee if i'm her sister sure damn xin fu de lohx...got such a carin brother..hmMm hao ba wish me good luck in findin the Ma La Xian Shi yuan sheng dai ba... xiang nian ni...zui ai de ren ye shi ni...-muacks-
place to download -Kang Xi Lai Le- : - 9.8 Ma La Tong Xue Hui Part One
- 9.9 Jason and Wilber Ma La Tong Xue Hui Part Two
Other website : http://www.willpan.cn
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YSaturday, February 12, 2005
-Watchin Jacky Go Go GO-
hahaaz..WilBer so cute..well even though he lost the game during the first stage also nvm..he so cute ya knoe..his reactions during the part 2 of the firx stage...well i think he doesn't know any of the songs that the Jacky sang cuz the songs are kinda old ? well i don't know..i jux knoe dat Wilber doesnt listen to that kinda songs bahz...heehee den after he got kicked out of firx stage he was asked abt how he feel or sumtink like dat lahx..den he said ermx i cant realli rmb hehee but he said he will jia you next time when he goes on dat show again..den ask ppl to support -Wo De Mai Ke Feng- den he was singin and dancin ...den there was a guy behind him ma..he asked Wilber to sing -Kai Li Lai Jiao- hehee den when he danced de shi hou so ke ai..he tot the guy behing him wasnt the winner so he said "na 5 ge winners ni men zi ji qu wan ba" he was tryin to act angry hahaha but when sumone told him dat the guy was one of the winners den he was laughin ahhaha so cute...well u might not understand wad i'm sayin cuz i dun tink i myself understand too...u gotta watch it urself den u'll knoe... WEIBO JIA YOU ...WO TING NI ...
-Pissed Off-
went to visit dat stupid website..once again dere's sumone hu insulted him..what's wrong wit u guys ? got nth betta to do isiz ? is not as if u're dat perfect...if u're dat perfect , be a singer and show it to me ...let everyone love u then...bastard.. what are u unhappy with huhz...dont u knoe it is very rude to insult sumone when they dont even knoe u or they din even offend/provoke u...chicken ah...dun u feel ashame of urself..i felt sorry for u then..idiotx.. Qi Si Ren Ahz...Si Da Bian ...Qu Si Ahz...
haix other countries already hab the book lerx...why Singapore so slow de...mux wait until when ahz...no patient lerx..i wanna see how handsome he is during the COOLPLAY concert..and i hate page 86..havin a ger up on stage..receiving gift from Wilber...AARrGRghH and he even gib her a peck on her cheek..OMG lucky i din join the club if nt i tink i cant control myself from killin u sia..lolx like so serious like dat..haix Singapore is always so da bian one...cant they import more things from Taiwan ma...if next time i can go Taipei..i sure buy lotsa tinks back one ah..
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
oOoOo today went swimming with Ee Jia today..after swimmin 4 an hr,we went to eat den go to the baby pool dere sit sit cuz after eatin cant swim ma..later vomit..suddenly got a man came to our area and talked to us...eeee KNS ahz..later he kept tokin to us..he even asked for our fone no. kao so old liao still want youngsters fone no. for wad..he 35 like dat lehx..kaOz wad a day for us sia..tried to shake him off...guess wad he said...he rated his looks for himself as 8.5 over 1o..puked ahz..he average oni lohx..he overestimated himself sia..bu yao lian de jia huo..den after swimming went to Orchard to find WiLbEr's COOLPLAY concert de book...haix is not out yet..sad sad sad..wasted my time for going dere...next time i call them hao le...den jux now went to wEi Er BaNg..saw michelle saying dat the book wun be out so soon..hmMm sad..den i saw sumtink damn nice ya knoe...everything in the desktop is all WiLbEr de.. well if u guys is a registered user in wEi Er BaNg do go to http://www.willpan.com.tw/bbs/showthread.php?t=24676 ...i confirm u see liao sure like it one..see liao i oso want sia..but duno how to make all this tinks..the winamp damn nice sia..i want it lehx...duno where to d/l ...if i changed my winamp to dat one my sis sure said me de lohx...everything oso WiLbEr...aiYa of cuz lahx she dun like WiLbEr ma..how i wish i hab my own comp. so dat i can do wadeva things to my comp. with all WiLbEr things inside..cool sia...see liao oso wanna switch on my comp. every hr ahx...hmMm hope the book will be release in SG soon bahz..cuz in other countries liek taiwan and china hab liao...KINOKUNIYA FASTER AHZ...
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YFriday, February 11, 2005
he got insulted by a groups of pplx..feelin sad after knowin it..no one is perfect..do u tink u guys are good enuff to judge hiim..no one can make everyone likes him/her...sure there is sumone who dislike him/her..if u realli knoe nth bout him,dun judge him...he may not be as good as urs but in my heart he is always the best..to me no one can replace him in my heart..i'm sure u hab the same feelings as i hab towards the one dat u love most..not wanting them to get hurt den dun hurt others too..why wuld u guys wanna hab a conflict over small things..dun u tink it is too childish...each an everyone had their own talents and abilities...everyone is different..if u dun like him/her,jux keep ur mouth shut and dun insult him/her..did he/she offend or provoke u ? no he/she did not..they dun even have time for datz...so why wuld u wanna insult them when they're harmless towards u..dun u knoe dat whatever u said is too much and it realli hurts when the person sees it...put urself in other ppl's shoes...wuld u be happy if sumone said dat he/she hates u a lot for no reason..u urself mux be wondering why that person hates euu..u have done nth wrong..u tried ur best to present the best part of urself to others but not everyone appreciate it..so do tink abt my words before saying anitink bad tinks abt him...got so pissed off after readin wad's u guys hab written...
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at
YThursday, February 10, 2005
heYs GuYs HapPy nEW YeAR...finally my comp. got repair..yeah !!! can see chinese characters lerx hehee den on 8 feB 'o5 WiLbEr left a msg in wEi Er BaNg..hehee miss him so much..well jux now went to view michelle's blog hehee WilL + A-Wei's COOLPLAY book is gonna be out after CNY ..haha gonna check it out at kino lerx..mux use ang bao money to buy hehee..but i gave my mum 1oo bucks to put inside my bank..guai rite..hehee den hor today at 12pm got WILBER lerx...but i needa go pei mum to her fren's huz to bai nian..SAD AHX...so sian one i sat dere watched tVee den jie go play poker with them...dun feel like playin so i sat dere alone with all the adults tokin..well they can oni get together once a yr ...so they mux hab lotsa tinks to tok abt..den i listened to their conversation..well mum said abt me chasin after my Wei Bo and told them i spent hundred over dollars jux to see his concert...made me feel so pai seh sia..but nvm lahx..haix den went hm ard 4++..den went to slp lerx...too tired hehee den hor on CNY eve i watched the wan yu very funnie lehx..the stupid Yan XIng Shu changed to women's clothes kAo he looked so kan nai sai..hahaa den i luffed like hell sia..CNY de wan yu bi jiao hao kan...lastly hope datz i can get Wilber and Shan Wei's Coolplay Book ,and the Wilber and Jason's hiphop book..xing nian zu ta stay healthy foreva den can earn more money... lurve euu..
renee ~ >.AiR. was here with you at